The use Blank Starter WordPress Themes for build your own WordPress Theme is a wise choice. It will speed up your workflow by reducing the amount of code you need to write.What is Blank WordPress Theme? Blank wordPress theme can also be called starter, naked or base with basic WordPress PHP, CSS, and HTML code and theme files already filled out for you.I’m a fan of Blank WordPress Themes an that is why I want introduce to you the best 10+ free Blank Starter WordPress Themes in this post. Enjoy!
Free Blank Starter WordPress Themes
In this article, we’ve shared an ultimate list of Free Blank Starter WordPress Themes. Let’s check out the complete list here today.
Roots – HTML5 WordPress Starter Theme

Roots is a WordPress starter theme based on HTML5 Boilerplate & Bootstrap that will help you make better themes. You can check out themes built using Roots at the Roots Gallery. Get started with Roots by heading over to the project’s official docs.
Underscores – WordPress Starter Theme

Underscores is a free blank WordPress theme developed by Automattic, the creators of WordPress. The ultra-minimal CSS of Underscores might make me look like theme tartare but that means less stuff to get in your way when you’re designing your awesome theme.
HTML5 Blank WordPress Theme

Html5blank is a powerful shell for rapidly building your WordPress projects. This is a Web-performance optimized blank WordPress theme for developers. The HTML5 Blank WordPress Theme comes with useful custom theme functions such as a dynamic sidebar as well as boilerplate code for using WordPress’s Shortcode API in your themes.
Bones – Starter WordPress Theme for Developers

Bones is a free blank WordPress theme built on top of HTML5 Boilerplate. Built around the latest in Web Standards, Bones is a rock solid foundation to start any WordPress project. Keep what you need, remove what you don’t. It’s totally up to you.
HTML5 Reset WordPress Theme

HTML5 Reset WordPress Theme is a style-free theme designed to help get your custom WordPress project off the ground.
Naked WordPress

Naked is a blank WordPress theme great for people who want to learn how to develop themes. The Naked WordPress theme is commented in-line so that as you’re building your WordPress theme, you understand what’s actually going on. It’s like a WordPress tutorial + starter theme combined.
Big Blank Theme

Big Blank Theme is a blank responsive theme for WordPress, with semantic HTML5 code and a very minimal CSS styling. This is not a naked or barebone theme, but a clean starting boilerplate for a more complex theme development. It makes development of complex themes easier.
BlankSlate WordPress Theme

BlankSlate is the definitive WordPress HTML5 boilerplate starter theme. The bare essentials of a WordPress theme, no visual CSS styles added except for the CSS reset and the mandatory WP classes. Perfect for those who would like to build their own theme completely from scratch

JointsWP is a blank WordPress theme built with Foundation 5, giving you all the power and flexibility you need to build complex, mobile friendly websites without having to start from scratch. This includes a grid system (far superior to the grid found in Bootstrap), basic styling for common elements, Javascript features such as an off-canvas navigation and much, much more.
HTML5 Boilerplate for WordPress

This theme is built on the HTML5 Boilerplate by Paul Irish and Divya Manian. The sole purpose of this theme is to save developers the time it takes to apply the HTML5 Boilerplate to WordPress. The “HTML5 Boilerplate” name is used with permission from Paul Irish.

WP-Flex is a blank, responsive, WordPress theme boilerplate adhering to best practices and requirements set forth by the official WordPress Codex and theme review guidelines. Also makes a great starter theme for any of your WordPress theming needs.

Skeleton is a simple, responsive (video) theme from Simple Themes. If you like this theme, we encourage you to try some of our other WordPress themes.