5 Best Joomla Backup Extensions to Secure Websites 2024

By Editorial Staff

This article contains some best Joomla Backup Extensions to Secure Websites! Suppose, You woke up tomorrow and find out that you site has been deleted, hacked etc. If you are doing online business, this scenario can kill your life. That’s why backup of site is very important when you are doing business with your website. Joomla also provides some extensions to backup your Joomla websites. We’ve shared the ultimate collection of Joomla Backup Extensions to Secure Websites from hacker.

Best Joomla Backup Extensions to Secure Websites

Here’s the complete list of best Joomla Backup Extensions to Secure Websites. if you want to protect your websites then should follow these Joomla Backup Extensions.

1. Akeeba Backup


Akeeba Backup is an open-source Joomla’s backup component, very different than its competition. Its mission is very simple: create a backup of entire site that can be anytime restored on any server. It has the ability to backup your website in a single archive.

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2. Backup Database


Backup Database helps you to easily backup your database on the server. Extension’s interface is very intuitive and simple with 2 options. One option is for recovering or deleting space on your server where you site is and second option is to create a backup file for you database.

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3. Sypex Dumper


With Sypex Dumper you can easily backup a copy of your database and also can restore the database from the file. It is more functional and faster Joomla extension and optimized for maximum performance. It is compatible to Joomla 3.x and Joomla 2.5.

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4. DataSafe PRO


DataSafe PRO is a best Joomla extension that contains all database information. In case you system goes down by any means it will help you to restore your site efficiently. You can also automate the process of database backup.

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5. LazyDbBackup


LazyDbBackup’s main purpose is to backup your Joomla website’s database and send the backup file to you by e-mail. One option gives you ability to deactivate the e-mail feature if you needed; the backup files are then kept in a folder (generated by plugin) which you can access anytime by FTP when needed.

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